



If you are a producer seeking to acquire a deeper understanding of various topics in agriculture, 您会发现AgHub是一个有价值的资源. This platform offers informative resources that cater to your specific needs as an agriculturist. The AgHub is an ideal platform for you if you are looking to enhance your knowledge of different aspects of agriculture.



Biosecurity is important, especially if there are confirmed cases of avian influenza.  Multiple resources are available for commercial operators as well as backyard flock owners.  This portal contains information gathered from 有信誉的来源 and consists of:

  • 教育视频 
  • 链接 to information sheets, checklists, and biosecurity practice guides
  • 链接 有信誉的来源 了解更多信息



Are you considering growing Christmas trees as part of your operation?  体育彩票外围平台整理了一些资源来帮助你进行研究.  这个门户包含一个面向生产者的部分:

  • 视频面试 有一个制片人
  • 扩展 文章
  • 生产 手册

这是挑选圣诞树的季节! Before heading out to pick the perfect tree, equip yourself with what you need to know before you go.  该门户包含一个面向消费者的部分:

  • 教育视频 有技巧和窍门
  • 博客 文章
  • 额外的资源
  • 可共享的 信息图

This portal will provide you with information and resources covering the topic of Christmas trees and is appropriate for producers and consumers.


Get an overview of the cattle industry by learning more about:

  • 牛行业 事实和数据
  • 职业生涯 在畜牧业中
  • 牛, 营养upcyclers

This portal provides a mix of information providing education on the cattle industry.  This portal is appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about the topic.


Are you considering Agritourism as part of your agricultural operation? Take the time to do a little research and information gathering so you can start off on the right foot.  农业旅游门户网站包含:

  • 两个 教育视频 来自该领域的专家
  • 访问多个 相关资源

This portal will provide you with a thorough overview of agritourism,  对业务发展和运营的概述和见解, 市场营销, 去哪里寻求帮助和额外的资源.  

干草 & 牧草:杂草ID & 管理

管理 of weeds in hay and forages is an important task in agriculture. 研究, knowledge and planning are the best defenses a farmer can have in the ongoing control and management of invasive species.


  • An 教育视频, presented by Matt Booher, Virginia Cooperative 扩展, covering:
    • 杂草识别
    • 季节性
    • 管理
  • 管理 资源指南
  • 其他资源链接

This portal will give you a deeper understanding of how to identify common weeds in Virginia, 除草剂的使用和施用建议. This portal is appropriate for producers or anyone needing information and resources to manage pasture and forages.


大约1.500万20岁以下的儿童活着, 工作, 或者经常出现在美国的农场(CDC).gov). We realize the importance of keeping those youth safe in their agricultural settings. 利用资源制定农场安全措施.


  • 教育视频 覆盖青少年农场安全
  • 信息图表列表:
    • 年龄特征
    • 主要的农场危险
    • 适当的规则
    • 监督的建议
  • ATV安全
  • 访问多个 相关资源

This portal provides a mix of resources providing education and support focusing on the safety of youth involved in the agriculture industry.  This portal is appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about the topic.


对养蜂感兴趣,但不知道从哪里开始?  Start with the basics of beekeeping and a general overview of what you need to get started.  此门户包含:

  • 养蜂资源指南 有链接,让你连接
  • 访问 额外的资源 为您提供可靠的养蜂信息

This portal will provide you with an overview of beekeeping and what you need to get started and it is appropriate for producers, 后院养蜂人, 小农场.


Are you a farmer interested in hosting school groups or an educator looking to enhance school learning by visiting a farm?

Both the farmer and the educator will need to prepare for school visits in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. To assist with preparations, we've developed this learning portal containing:

  • 资源指南:学校农场参观为农民和教育工作者提供的指南
  • 十大建议 主办学校小组
  • Checksheets 涵盖广泛的主题领域
  • 活动及课程资源
  • 潜在社区列表 合作者
  • 其他资源链接

This portal will assist you as you prepare for school farm visits and is appropriate for farmers interested in hosting school groups and for educators interested in taking students to visit a local farm.


We realize there are stressors involved with agriculture some of which are out of our control.  农民应对天气, 波动的市场价格, 生产和许多未见过的挑战.

这个门户提供 you an assortment of valuable resources to provide support.

  • An 教育视频 涵盖农业中的农场压力
  • 获得农业信贷 农村的弹性 培训
  • 访问多个 相关资料

This portal provides a mix of resources providing education and support focusing on the well-being of individuals involved in the agriculture industry.  This portal is appropriate for anyone interested in learning more about the topic.


The goal of advocating is to provide information about agriculture so that others can make informed decisions.  但是,一个人如何做到这一点,并有效地做到这一点?  Our 农业宣传的基础 portal will give you the tools you need to establish your story and the steps to take to effectively communicate it to others. 此门户将使您能够访问:

  • 教育视频 一群经验丰富的律师
  • 快速入门指南 这样你就可以建立你的故事了
  • 访问 额外的资源 关于这个话题

This education portal will provide you with everything you need to be an effective advocate for agriculture.


These materials are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, 金融, 税, 或任何投资建议. We do not warrant that the materials provided are current and up-to-date with applicable laws and practices. You should not act or refrain from acting based on these materials or the information they contain without seeking legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction or other appropriate professional. 在法律规定的最大范围内, 弗吉尼亚农业信贷, ACA will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by your reliance on these materials or any information contained in these materials. 使用这些材料的风险由您自己承担, 通过获取材料, you hereby waive and hold harmless 弗吉尼亚农业信贷 from any claims resulting therefrom. 
